

DIY Malware Homelab Course

Do you have the desire to grow your skills in Malware Analysis, RE, and Software Engineering beyond just following tutorials? Arch Cloud Labs was built on honeypots and analyzing malware samples in a homelab environment to create a unique way to build those skills. This course offers a quick taste of building malware analysis pipeline in your homelab to recreate analysis done by large firms as well as inspire you to do analysis of your own. Each section is designed to get you started, and then leave you with questions to go and explore on your own. This combination of guided and experimental learning has been successful for previous courses, and Arch Cloud Labs hopes you find it enjoyable.

Get started here!


Linux Malware Analysis Course

According to recent industry reports, Linux focused malware has grown in the past year by over 30%. With the rise in Cloud Computing it’s no surprised that attackers are looking beyond traditional Windows environments to profit off of illicit access. This course was delivered at BSides Roc 2022 in order to provide students with a broad exposure of techniques and tools to identify, triage and analyze a faux-incident in a CTF style event.

Get started here!